Laser Hair Removal for Skin of Color Patients

Does Laser Hair Removal for Skin of Color Patients Really Work?

Laser hair removal (LHR) has long been adored for its ability to provide people across the globe with smooth, hair-free skin. For years, only people with light skin and dark hair were candidates.

However, relatively recently, LHR has been back in the limelight for its ability to treat people of all skin colors. Could it be true? Does laser hair removal for skin of color patients really work? Before we can answer that question, we have to explain the science.

What’s the Science Behind LHR for All Skin Colors?  

In an LHR procedure, light from a laser is directed towards the hair. The hair absorbs the light, which damages the hair follicle and stunts hair growth, leaving you with hair-free skin for up to two years. 

How does the laser zero in on the hair? It looks for the darker pigment of the hair, called melanin, to differentiate between the skin and hair. In the past, that left people with darker skin tones off the candidates list because the lasers could cause damage to the skin.

What Changed – Does Laser Hair Removal for Skin of Color Patients Really Work?

Thanks to the brilliant medical and scientific minds in the world, technologies now exist that target the hair follicle itself, instead of the hair on the skin's surface. This provides a safe option for people with darker skin tones. 

Lasers also now exist that operate on a lower frequency and with shorter bursts. So, does laser hair removal for skin of color patients really work? Absolutely! But, the key to safe and effective LHR for darker skin tones is to ensure that you’re going to a skilled and experienced practitioner.

Where Can I Get LHR for Skin of Color?

Our team here at GMA is the premier laser clinic in Northern Virginia. Contact us at 703-439-1104 to schedule your consultation. Let us help you have a hair-free carefree summer without razors or wax!

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