
Full Body Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Types

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Full Body Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Types in Reston, Virginia?

Hair can, unfortunately, show up nearly anywhere on our bodies, including some rather odd places.

If you’re tired of dealing with unwanted body hair, then full body laser hair removal for all skin types in Reston, Virginia is the solution you need!

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

It’s an easy process really. The light energy from the laser is attracted to and targets melanin in hair follicles. Once the light energy converts to heat, the follicle is then damaged which inhibits hair growth.

Tell Me About the Results. How Long Will I Need to Wait? Do I Need Multiple Treatments?

After one session, you’ll notice hair grows back lighter and less coarse. It takes around three to four weeks for hair to start falling out.

Full body laser hair removal for all skin types in Reston, Virginia will only target hair in the active phase of the four stages of hair growth. This means you will need to successfully complete a series of treatments for optimal results.

The number of sessions you need depends on a number of factors, such as your hair growth cycle at the time of treatment, the area being treated, and your skin tone. It may take four to ten appointments to reach your goal.

Does It Really Work on All Body Hair?

Yes, it does! Laser hair removal can successfully treat hair on your face, underarms, arms, bikini area, legs, back, chest, neck, and even inside your nose and ears.

Here’s Why You Should Trust the Experts at Generations Medical Aesthetics for Full Body Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Types in Reston, Virginia!

We are Northern Virginia’s leading skin and laser center! Our team specializes in advanced laser hair removal, and we’re proud to offer our patients the latest techniques and technology.

Tired of dealing with constant shaving, waxing, and painful ingrown hairs? Then give us a call at 703-439-1104 to schedule your consultation today!