6 Reasons Morpheus8 Offers the Best Skin Tightening in Reston, Virginia

Fine lines, wrinkles and, even worse, sagging skin tend to make you look older than you really are, taking a toll on your youthful confidence. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! It’s time to meet the best skin tightening in Reston, Virginia and learn the six reasons you should choose Morpheus8!

What Is Morpheus8? How Does It Tighten Skin?

Morpheus8 is a full-body fractional remodeling device that uses a combination of radiofrequency and microneedling to deliver the deepest subdermal treatments available, penetrating the tissue up to eight millimeters. The treatment offers dual handpieces with four unique tips with different microneedle configurations, making it a fully customizable procedure. Microneedling penetrates the skin and creates controlled tiny injuries, allowing the radiofrequency (RF) energy to penetrate deep into the skin’s tissues. By combining the best of both worlds, this cutting-edge treatment triggers your skin’s healing process and improves both collagen and elastin production. Collagen and elastin are two important proteins for keeping your skin healthy and youthful, as well as for preventing and reducing sagging or skin laxity.

What Are the Top Six Reasons to Choose Morpheus8 for Skin Tightening?

The science behind Morpheus8 checks out, but is it really all that effective? Experts say yes! There’s a reason Morpheus8 is a favorite for both doctor and patient… Actually, there are many reasons! This non-surgical skin tightening and anti-aging rejuvenation goes beyond the surface level, relying on only radiofrequency microneedling to perfect your skin. So, here are six of the many reasons to add the powerful Morpheus8, the best skin tightening in Reston, Virginia procedure, to your skincare roster. Sagging is a natural occurrence on multiple areas of the body, and the developers of Morpheus8 understands this, which is why their dual device is suitable for treatment on both the face and body. Any areas that can benefit from subdermal renewal are an excellent candidate for Morpheus8. The most commonly treated areas are the abdomen, face, and neck, as these areas see the most skin laxity and sagging. A notable benefit of Morpheus8 is that it offers a short recovery time and virtually no downtime, allowing patients to resume their normal routine and return to work or school the following day. Patients can expect their skin to be red for a few hours as well as be sensitive to UV rays for the next few weeks, making sunscreen an absolute must. You’re free to wear your regular makeup and skincare in just one to two days after your treatment. Not only will your skin be visibly tighter and firmer, it’ll generally look healthier and more radiant as well. Additionally, Morpheus8 is excellent at minimizing enlarged pores, scars, discoloration, sun damage, stretch marks, and more! So, if you struggle with more than just skin laxity, Morpheus8 can help with several of your skin concerns for optimal skin rejuvenation in just two to six treatments, depending on the severity of your conditions. As a bonus, Morpheus8 delays further aging and other skin ailments thanks to the boost in collagen and elastin, two important proteins that keep your skin in optimal health and functionality. There’s practically nothing Morpheus8 can’t do! Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive, surgery-free treatment, making it safer than many other skin tightening methods on the market. It’s also worth noting that Morpheus8 is basically a “color blind” device, safe for virtually all skin types and especially skin tones, capable of treating tones up to level VI, the deepest tone according to the Fitzpatrick phototypes. Morpheus8’s overall safety decreases your risk for melasma or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a common concern in other skin tightening devices. Radiofrequency microneedling is tolerated very well in most patients, though temporary, mild side effects can develop such as redness or dryness. Complications such as infection or persisting side effects after Morpheus8 are rare and can be easily avoided by selecting a board-certified, experienced provider. The microneedling aspect of Morpheus8 creates open wounds on the face which can sound intimidating at first, but there are benefits to these micro-injuries. Namely, skincare products can penetrate the skin and work more effectively than before. In fact, you may even be able to opt for professionally made and applied serums after your treatment to not only soothe your skin but improve its health as a whole. It should be noted that your hands as well as all products (makeup, skincare) or tools (brushes, applicators) should be incredibly clean before touching the treated areas. This is to prevent irritation or infection as a result of bacteria.

Where Can I Find the Best Skin Tightening in Reston, Virginia Through Morpheus8 and Other Treatments?

For Morpheus8 that is personalized to your skin’s wants and needs in order to achieve your aesthetic goals in a mere few sessions, choose Generations Medical Aesthetics! Our team is committed to delivering the highest quality care and treatment with Morpheus8 and other amazing provedures. We focus on non-surgical solutions, prioritizing safety and satisfaction above all for the ultimate anti-aging, skin revitalizing experience. Don’t just trust our word - check out our glowing real-patient testimonials for a glimpse at your future with GMA! Interested in learning more about Morpheus8 or the several other services we offer? Contact us at 703-439-1104 to schedule your free consultation today!

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