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How Many Sessions of Laser Hair Removal Do I Really Need?

Have you been on a never-ending quest for silky, smooth skin? The struggle of keeping up with relentless hair removal rituals is something many of us know all too well.

But what if there was a way to bid farewell to endless shaving, painful waxing, and time-consuming plucking? Enter the revolutionary world of permanent laser hair removal or LHR.

If you find yourself wondering, “How many sessions of laser hair removal do I really need,” keep reading for the answer to that question and more!

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Permanent laser hair removal utilizes the power of concentrated light to penetrate hair follicles, effectively reducing hair growth without damaging the surrounding skin. This method is not only quick but also minimizes discomfort, making it a preferred choice for long-term hair reduction.

But that’s not all— the best part about laser hair removal is its versatility. No matter the area you’re looking to treat, whether it’s the face, legs, bikini area, or back, laser technology can cater to your needs.

Just a few of the many benefits include:

  • Lasting results: With just a few sessions, experience a dramatic reduction in hair growth.
  • Saving precious time and money: Say goodbye to regular waxing appointments or replenishing your razor stash and wasting time in the shower shaving.
  • Convenience: With sessions typically lasting under an hour, fitting treatments into your busy schedule is a breeze.

So, Just How Many Sessions of Laser Hair Removal Do I Really Need?

Most clients witness significant hair reduction after two to six sessions. However, you may only need one or as many as 12 visits to achieve your desired outcome. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine this information online.

A consultation is necessary to determine the number of sessions you’ll likely need. During this visit, your laser hair removal provider will evaluate your skin, hair, and treatment goals to make a recommendation on how many return visits you may need to make.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

While laser hair removal is heralded for its efficiency, it’s important to understand that achieving your desired results requires patience and consistency.

However, there are a number of factors that play a role in the number of sessions you may need. For example, your skin tone, size of the treatment area, and your hair color. Here’s the real story: the journey might be gradual, but the outcome is utterly satisfying.

There’s More to It Than Just Hair Removal

Beyond the evident advantages of hair reduction, laser hair removal also offers skin benefits, including reduced irritation from shaving, reduction of ingrown hairs, and even improved skin texture.

Plus, the precision of laser treatments ensures that only the targeted hair is affected, leaving your skin unharmed and looking better than ever. Finally you can be in control of managing your hair growth!

Ready to Transform Your Skin? Take the Next Step for Smooth Skin Today!

With a clear understanding of what permanent laser hair removal entails and the unparalleled benefits it offers, you’re likely feeling excited just thinking about laser hair removal. Boost your confidence by turning to Generations Medical Aesthetics for LHR!

Renowned for our expertise in cutting-edge beauty treatments, we deliver exceptional results, and our professional team is committed to your comfort and satisfaction. If silky, smooth skin is what you dream of, Generations Medical Aesthetics is your gateway to achieving it.

Now that you have an answer to your question, “How many sessions of laser hair removal do I really need,” it’s time to take the next step. Call our providers at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation today so we can tailor a treatment plan just for you!

Best Pico Laser Treatment in Virginia

Is it possible that one device can safely treat acne, correct discoloration, diminish lines and wrinkles, erase dark spots, and even remove tattoos? The answer is yes!

The best Pico laser treatment in Virginia can do all that and more! Here’s what you need to know about this revolutionary laser.

What Makes the PicoWay Laser So Unique?

It is all about innovative technology. The best Pico laser treatment in Virginia was designed to reach below the skin’s surface to work from the inside out.

It specifically targets pigment without causing harm to surrounding skin and tissue. Brief pulses of light energy fragment the pigment into minuscule particles, which your body naturally eliminates over time.

The short pulses of light energy also stimulate collagen production, leading to significantly improved skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

How Do I Prepare for Treatment?

It’s not difficult to prepare for the Pico laser, but it is necessary if you want the best outcomes. Your provider will explain full instructions to prep.

For two weeks before your appointment, it is vital to avoid UV rays, both natural and artificial. If you must be outside, wear a good quality sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Skip self-tanners during this time too.

Most experts suggest scheduling rejuvenation procedures two weeks before or after laser therapy. So if you are planning to have Botox or fillers, schedule those accordingly.

How Soon Can I Expect Results from the Best Pico Laser Treatment in Virginia?

The benefits emerge gradually as your body’s natural healing process begins. Many individuals notice improvements within four to eight weeks after their initial session.

What About Side Effects?

Common side effects of the PicoWay laser include temporary redness, swelling, and discomfort at the treatment site. These typically subside on their own, usually within a week. Little to no downtime is necessary for recovery.

Do I Need More Than One Pico Session for Great Results?

This depends largely on your reasons for treatment. Let’s break it down.

Successful tattoo removal takes time, and the number of necessary sessions varies greatly. The age and depth of the ink, the colors used, size, location, lifestyle factors, and the health of your skin all impact the number of treatments you need. It can take six to eight sessions or more to achieve your desired results. These should be scheduled four to six weeks apart.

If skin rejuvenation is your plan, it can take two to four sessions or more, depending on your goals.

Are Results Permanent?

PicoWay tattoo removal outcomes are permanent.

Since the laser does not stop the natural aging process, you likely need to schedule follow-up sessions to maintain a youthful appearance, as the effects will eventually fade.

Is Aftercare Easy?

As with pre-treatment instructions, you also need to follow post-Pico laser guidelines. Keep these aftercare tips in mind:

  • Gently cleanse the treated area daily with water and mild soap, then pat it dry.
  • Avoid rubbing or scratching, as blistering or scabbing may occur depending on treatment strength.
  • Wait four to six weeks between treatments in the same area.
  • Apply a cold pack post-treatment to reduce swelling and a moisturizer to relieve itching.

Is PicoWay Laser Renewal Right for Me?

It is easy to find out! All it takes is a skin rejuvenation consultation with a reputable provider.

An evaluation of your medical history including health conditions, medications, and an assessment of your skin health is necessary to ensure your safety.

Certain medications and supplements cause photosensitivity, so you may not be able to have treatment if you take them.

Turn to Generations Medical Aesthetics for Healthy, Radiant Skin!

Call us now at 703-439-1104 to schedule your consultation, and let our team tailor a personalized treatment plan to help you love the skin you’re in!

Free Laser Hair Removal Consultation in Virginia

Yes, you should! Laser hair removal (LHR) is undoubtedly one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in the United States. However, it is not one you should have on a whim. Before you proceed with treatment, it is essential to schedule a free laser hair removal consultation in Virginia. 

The goals of this meeting are to keep you safe and to create a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs. There are several key components to a consultation including but not limited to a medical evaluation, skin assessment, and discussion about your goals. This in-depth guide explains what you need to know before you go! 

What Information Should You Provide During the Medical Evaluation?

Before proceeding with any cosmetic procedure, a reputable provider needs to gather information regarding your overall health. Transparency is important! 

Be ready to answer questions regarding health conditions, medications and supplements you take, and any procedures you’ve had in the past. They may ask specifically to describe your skin type, whether you have a history of unusual scarring, the products you use on your skin, and if you are pregnant.

What Exactly Are Your Reasons for Having LHR? Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

Before your free laser hair removal consultation in Virginia, give thought to why you want treatment and what you hope to achieve. 

Do you have specific areas you wish to address, or are you interested in full-body hair removal? Do you want it completely removed or simply less dense and coarse? 

With regard to expectations, this is a treatment that takes time. Yes, it is possible to experience a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after the first session. However, most patients require four to six sessions to achieve optimal outcomes. 

Additionally, consider that while LHR is often referred to as permanent, there is a chance it won’t be. Long-lasting outcomes are certainly achievable, and the benefits are undeniable. While it may be months or years before you need maintenance, it is important to understand results do not typically last forever. 

You Need a Patch Test if This Is Your First Time

Laser hair removal works by delivering concentrated light energy to hair follicles targeting melanin. The heat damages the follicles which inhibits future hair growth. 

Before your first LHR session, the provider needs to determine the optimal laser settings based on your hair and skin type. A patch test may be conducted for each treatment area due to variations in hair and skin across the body. 

It is an important test that helps to identify potential adverse effects and allows adjustments if needed to ensure effective and safe results with minimal side effects.

What Questions Should I Ask During My Free Laser Hair Removal Consultation in Virginia?

This is the perfect time to ask questions. Write them down before your appointment so you don’t forget! 

Hopefully, careful research has led you to the provider you are meeting with, but an in-person interview can help you feel more confident in your choice. Are they a licensed healthcare practitioner? Have they been properly trained and certified to perform LHR? What is their success rate, and do they have before/after photos to back up their claims?

Beyond that, delve into the treatment itself. Consider asking the following, and add to the list if you think of more:

  • Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?
  • Are there side effects and/or risks I need to know? 
  • How do you manage complications?
  • How do I prepare?
  • What other methods are safe to use for the duration of my treatment?
  • How many sessions do I need?
  • What do I need to know about aftercare?
  • Can you recommend skincare products that are safe for my skin after the procedure?
  • How often should I book my appointments?
  • Can I combine laser hair removal with other treatments?

Here’s a Bit of Advice for Finding an Experienced LHR Provider

Although laser hair removal is done for cosmetic purposes, it is still a procedure. Do not settle for the first provider you find. Instead, take your time to look for one who is licensed, certified, and experienced. 

You can start by asking family, friends, and others you trust for recommendations. Get a referral from your primary care provider or other healthcare professionals. 

Conduct an Internet search. Google, Yelp, online groups, and social media pages can be quite helpful. 

Read feedback. Testimonials and reviews offer insight into a provider’s quality of care and overall patient satisfaction. 

Lastly, schedule a consultation! Now that you know what to expect, it is going to be a breeze.

Aside from all the above information, this meeting allows you the opportunity to gauge a provider’s communication style, their approach to treatment, and it can solidify your confidence in the choice you have made. 

Beautiful, Hair-Free Skin Is Possible With Generations Medical Aesthetics!

Put down the tweezer, step away from wax , and say goodbye to painful ingrown hairs. It is time to embrace hassle-free hair removal at our premier skin and laser center! 

Our team shares an important mission – to keep you safe, help you look your best, and improve your skin health. We do this by using the most advanced technology and techniques to carry out the top non-surgical rejuvenation treatments. 

Schedule your laser hair removal consultation today. Contact us at 703-439-1104 to book your appointment with one of our licensed and experienced medical professionals. We are excited to work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs!

How Much Does Morpheus8 Cost in Leesburg?

There are many non-surgical treatments designed to renew your appearance, but few yield the same amazing results as Morpheus8.

So many have already discovered the benefits, but is the price really worth it? Discover the Morpheus8 cost in Leesburg here.

Is the Procedure Safe?

Before we delve into the Morpheus8 cost in Leesburg, let’s discuss how it works. 

This advanced skin rejuvenation is a powerful combination of radiofrequency (RF) energy and traditional microneedling. As controlled injury is created to the top layer of skin, RF energy delivers heat below the surface. The process encourages the production of new skin cells and collagen. 

Unlike other treatments, Morpheus8 is safe for all skin tones and types. Additionally, it provides long-lasting results and can correct: 

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Cellulite-related imperfections
  • Dark circles under the eyes and eye bags
  • Damage from prolonged sun exposure
  • Enlarged pores 
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Irregular skin texture and uneven tone
  • Stretch marks

How Much Does Morpheus8 Cost in Leesburg?

Expect to pay between $100 to $700 per session. Most patients require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Provider fees and the complexity of your skin concerns can impact how much you pay.

Is This Right for Me?

Although considered safe, it is not suitable for individuals who are pregnant, are breastfeeding, or have certain medical conditions such as some autoimmune disorders. 

The easiest way to receive a personalized recommendation is to schedule a consultation with a reputable provider. 

Revitalize Your Skin Health and Appearance at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

Our team strives to always exceed the expectations of our patients, and we can do the same for you! 

Experience healthy, radiant skin by calling us today at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation with one of our experienced medical professionals!

Fast Laser Hair Removal in Herndon, Virginia

If you’re tired of shaving, waxing, and tweezing, you definitely aren’t alone. The good news is that you can get hair-free skin without any of the effort, thanks to laser hair removal (LHR). Wondering if this treatment is right for you? Here’s what you need to know about fast laser hair removal in Herndon, Virginia.

The Quick 411 on How Laser Hair Removal Works

LHR uses a handheld laser device to destroy hair follicles in the treatment area. These devices use light to target pigment in the hair. The light energy travels into the follicle, creating heat that kills hair growth at the source.

Laser hair removal can safely get rid of hair from almost any part of the body, including:

  • Face
  • Armpits
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Back

For optimal results, especially in large areas, patients require several treatments.

Does Laser Hair Removal Get Rid of Hair Forever?

When performed correctly and followed by the suggested treatment plan, LHR can provide permanent results. Since it destroys the hair follicle, hair can no longer grow. But, if the hair follicle is only damaged, hair regrowth can occur.

Perform laser hair removal when the hair is in its active growing period. Otherwise, the treatment isn’t as effective. But not all follicles are in the hair growth phase at the same time, which is why multiple sessions are needed.

What’s the Cost of Fast Laser Hair Removal in Herndon, Virginia?

The average cost for a single laser hair removal session is around $400, but this number can range from $100 to $800.

There are many factors that determine how much you’ll pay for fast laser hair removal in Herndon, Virginia, including the size of the treatment area, the type of laser used, and the number of sessions needed.

Freedom From Shaving and Waxing Can Be Achieved at Generations Medical Aesthetics

Toss your razors, cancel your next waxing appointment, and come to Generations Medical Aesthetics for laser hair removal!

Getting rid of unwanted hair has never been easier, and you’ll see why our patients rave about our aesthetic services. Schedule an appointment today by calling 703-439-1104!

Best Permanent Melasma Treatment in VA

Melasma, while not life-threatening, can cause issues with self-esteem. If you find this skin condition is impacting your quality of life, there is something you can do!

Many patients have discovered PicoWay laser therapy to be the best permanent melasma treatment in VA, and here is why!

What Causes Melasma, and Why Is PicoWay the Best Option?

There are multiple potential melasma causes. Prolonged sun exposure, tanning beds, pregnancy, certain medications, stress, and thyroid disorders all contribute to this type of discoloration. Women between the age of 20 to 40, individuals with darker skin tones, and genetic factors can put you at higher risk for developing the condition. 

PicoWay is considered the best permanent melasma treatment in VA because it was designed to target pigment in a way that does not damage surrounding skin and tissue. Short pulses of light energy breakdown the pigment into tiny particles that your body easily and naturally eliminates over time. 

How Many Sessions Do I Need for Amazing Results?

This depends on the severity of your melasma, and you can rest assured your provider is going to make the determination based on your unique needs. Small, light discolored areas may take two to three treatments. Larger, dark areas can take four or more sessions. 

Does PicoWay Laser Hurt?

What makes these types of lasers less painful than others is they are photoacoustic, meaning they convert light energy to sound. While you might feel a slight stinging sensation, numbing cream is not typically needed since treatment is very well-tolerated. 

Should I Be Concerned About Side Effects?

Not at all. The side effects associated with PicoWay for the treatment of melasma include mild swelling, redness, and discomfort. These are temporary and usually resolve on their own within a few days. 

Preparation and Post-Care Are Essentials for the Best Outcomes

Your provider is going to give you full instructions on how to prepare for PicoWay laser therapy and how to care for your skin after. Follow them carefully! Here are a general guidelines to keep in mind: 

  • Be mindful of the sun. For at least two weeks before your appointment, avoid sun exposure. When you must be outside, wear good quality sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Self-tanners are off limits too. 
  • Be forthcoming about your medications, supplements, or topical products. There are certain ones that cause photosensitivity and other issues that may impact treatment. If you take these types of medications, you may be asked to stop them for a period of time before treatment.
  • Time cosmetic injectables the right way. If you are planning to have Botox or filler injections, schedule them accordingly. Most experts recommend getting injections two weeks prior to or two weeks after laser therapy. 
  • Be gentle with your skin at the treatment site(s). Continue diligent sun protection. You should also avoid using harsh chemicals or exfoliants. Wash with warm water and a gentle cleanser. 
  • Wait if you wear makeup. It should be safe to apply makeup the day after treatment.
  • If you notice spots starting to peel, do not pick or scratch. This can interfere with your final outcome so let them heal naturally. 

How Quickly Can I Expect Results from the Best Permanent Melasma Treatment in VA?

They do not occur overnight so patience is a must! It can take four to eight weeks for you to begin to see a noticeable change. The good news is results only get better over time! 

Are Results Really Permanent?

In many cases, they certainly are! Of course, the particular cause of your melasma and how well you care for your skin can play a part in the longevity or your results. Your provider can discuss with you potential outcomes, what you can expect, and steps you can take to get the most from treatment. 

Is Melasma the Only Skin Condition PicoWay Corrects?

No at all! 

It is ideal for the treatment of acne scars, café au lait spots, freckles, liver spots, and tattoos. It is also a great option if you want to significantly reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.

How Much Does Treatment Cost?

The average cost of PicoWay melasma laser treatment is approximately $1,300 but can range from $300 to $4,300. Your final cost varies based on factors such as specific geographic region, the severity of your condition, the number of sessions you need, and provider’s fees. 

Is PicoWay Safe?

This laser therapy has been approved by the FDA and is considered safe for a broad range of skin types and tones, but it is not suitable for everyone. People with hypersensitive skin issues may not be eligible for treatment.

To find out if you quality, it is vital to schedule a consultation with a reputable provider to discuss your medical history, aesthetic goals, and expectations. As a reminder, it is important to disclose all health conditions, medications (prescription and non-prescription, oral and topical), and supplements to ensure your safety.

Say Goodbye to Melasma and Hello to Sensational Results From Generations Medical Aesthetics!

We pride ourselves on being Northern Virginia’s leading laser center. Our team of licensed healthcare providers is exceptionally skilled at treating many skin concerns including discoloration, unwanted hair, unwanted signs of aging, and more! 

We would love the opportunity to create a personalized treatment solution that meets your needs so you can look and feel your best. Call us at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation today!

How To Maintain Dermal Filler Results in Ashburn, VA

Non-invasive treatments like dermal fillers have become the go-to choice for adding volume to the face or achieving a more youthful look. These injectables are quick, painless, and require no downtime.

Sadly dermal fillers don’t last forever – but there are some things you can do to the longevity of your results. Here are the top four tips for maintaining your dermal filler results in Ashburn, VA.

Follow These Four Tips to Maintain Your Dermal Filler Results in Ashburn

Follow-up treatment is all part of the dermal filler journey, but what if you could enjoy your new look for a little longer? Here are some effective ways to increase the longevity of dermal filler results in Ashburn, VA.

  1. Stay hydrated. Soft, supple skin starts on the inside. Keep fine lines, dullness, and other skin issues at bay by ensuring you’re hydrated.
  2. Reduce your sun exposure. UV rays can severely damage the skin, especially on the face. Protect yourself from UV rays by applying broad-spectrum sunscreen. Wearing sunglasses and hats also helps to maintain your new look while reducing the risk of fine lines, wrinkles, and sunspots.
  3. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a diet that’s high in processed foods and simple carbohydrates can cause your face to become swollen and puffy. High-sodium foods can also have the same effect. Maintain your new look by embracing a wholesome diet.
  4. Don’t overdo it when it comes to exercise. It’s possible that too much exercise can cause the body to dissolve fillers like Restylane Kysse at a faster rate. While you can (and should!) remain active, consider a less intense routine.

Beautiful, Lasting Results Are Just a Call to Generations Medical Aesthetics Away

Whether you want to enhance the shape of your lips or if you want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers can help you achieve just that.

For all of the top dermal filler treatments, choose Generations Medical Aesthetics. Call us today at 703-439-1104 to schedule an appointment!

Botox Cost Near Sterling

For decades, Botox has been the go-to treatment for facial rejuvenation. This injectable is highly effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in areas like the forehead and around the eyes.

Ready to look as young as you feel? Here’s what you need to know about the Botox cost near Sterling.

How Does Botox Work?

Botox is an FDA-approved injectable that temporarily freezes muscles in the treatment area to smooth the skin. The compound also helps to prevent new wrinkles from forming. This injectable is non-invasive and takes as little as 15 minutes per session.

The best part? Results last for months, and seasoned Botox users may see results last six months, though they typically last three to four months. Plus, injections can be repeated when the effects start to fade, so you can enjoy your new youthful look long term!

Botox Cost Near Sterling: What You Can Expect to Pay

There’s no set cost for Botox, as everyone has different needs. Generally, a unit of Botox costs $10 to $30. The number of units you need ultimately determines how much you’ll pay for this treatment. Smaller areas such as the forehead or lips will cost less than the jaw or neck area.

Other factors that affect the Botox cost near Sterling include the number of sessions you need as well as the provider you choose for treatment. You’ll also want to factor in any follow-up sessions to maintain your results.

To get the best prices for Botox, ask providers in your area if they offer any promotions or packages.

Look Younger Than Ever With Botox at Generations Medical Aesthetics

While Botox isn’t cheap,  the long-term results are well worth the upfront costs. If you’re looking for top-of-the-line aesthetic services near Sterling, look no further than Generations Medical Aesthetics. 

Contact us today at 703-439-1104 to schedule a Botox consultation!

Permanent Tattoo Removal in Oakton, Virginia

Did you know research shows that at least 50% of people regret their body art? That is a rather staggering statistic!

Fortunately, permanent tattoo removal in Oakton, Virginia is now a safe and effective option when performed by an experienced provider.

Does tattoo removal actually make people sick? What can you do to stay well? What steps do you take to find the best provider? Here, you can learn all that and more!

The Force Driving Tattoo Removal Is Your Immune System

During treatment, concentrated light pulses target the tattoo ink and break it down into tiny particles. Your body then gets to work to naturally eliminate the ink. While technology starts the process, it is your immune system that really does that hard work.

It is important to keep in mind that as powerful as the immune system is, it still has limitations and slows down when overloaded. As an example, if you have a cold during treatment, you might notice the tattoo doesn’t fade the way you hope it would. That is because your immune system is more focused on fighting off illness than it is on getting rid of ink.

How Can I Boost My Immune System?

Patients who have experienced permanent tattoo removal in Oakton, Virginia and providers alike will tell you it is important to do all you can to safeguard your immune system. You can do so by following these steps:

  • Drink plenty of water. Sufficient water intake flushes toxins which provides cells with oxygen for optimal function. Inadequate water consumption can weaken the immune system due to toxin accumulation.
  • Eat a nutritious diet. A robust immune-boosting diet includes an array of fruits and vegetables that give your body essential vitamins and antioxidants. Incorporate lean proteins like poultry and fish, whole grains for fiber, and healthy fats from sources like avocados.

If you’re already maintaining a healthy diet, great! For an added immune boost before laser tattoo removal, consider incorporating superfoods rich in vitamin C, like kiwi, oranges, and red bell peppers. Leafy greens such as broccoli, spinach, and kale provide essential vitamins. It is also recommended you consume foods that contain vitamin B and zinc.

  • Get plenty of rest before your appointment. Insufficient or low-quality sleep has been linked to increased susceptibility to illnesses. Adequate sleep not only impacts your ability to resist sickness but also affects your body’s healing process. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night to bolster your immune system. Prioritize rest before and after a laser tattoo removal session.
  • Avoid nicotine and alcohol. It is no secret that neither of these habits is good for you, but did you know they can reduce the effectiveness of laser tattoo removal by up to 70%?

Think about it. If your body is busy removing toxins from smoking and drinking, it isn’t focusing on the removal of ink particles. As mentioned earlier, you want to prevent an overload when possible for better outcomes.

Do I Need Multiple Sessions for the Sensational Tattoo Removal Results?

Most patients find they achieve the best results after five to 15 or more sessions. These should be scheduled four to six weeks apart to allow for healing.

The number of sessions you need depends on factors like tattoo size, ink colors, skin type, and individual healing capacity. Darker, larger, and/or multicolored tattoos often require more sessions.

Skin tone can also affect laser effectiveness. Additionally, the depth of the tattoo and the type of ink used play roles. It is important you meet with a reputable provider for a personalized assessment and treatment plan.

How Do I Find the Best Permanent Tattoo Removal in Oakton, Virginia?

Now that you know how to get your immune system in tip-top shape, you need to know how to find the right provider. Take your time and carefully consider your options before making a final decision.

Choose a licensed healthcare practitioner specializing in lasers. Verify their credentials and experience with tattoo removal. While it might be tempting to seek removal from a tattoo artist, they are likely not equipped to safely perform the procedure. Never put your skin health at risk!

If you know someone who has had successful treatment, ask them who they recommend. Your primary care provider might be able to give you a referral too.

Take a look at a provider’s portfolio of before and after photos. If possible, look for similar sizes and colors as the ink you want removed. Ask about the technology they use. Read feedback to get a sense of a provider’s quality of work and patient satisfaction.

Schedule a consultation, and if you need to schedule more than one before choosing your provider that’s okay! During this meeting, your medical history, goals, expectations, and concerns or risks are discussed at length. All of this information is gathered to ensure your safety and to be sure you receive personalized care.

During your search, pay attention to your instincts and never be afraid to ask questions. Feeling confident in your decision goes a long way toward a pleasant tattoo removal experience.

Turn to Nearby Generations Medical Aesthetics If You Are Ready to Bid Farewell to Bad Ink and Hello to Great Results!

Top-tier expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and customized treatment plans are what you find with our providers. You deserve the best! If you are ready for a clean slate, call us at 703-439-1104 to book your appointment now!

Best Skin Lightening Treatment in Reston

Skin discoloration can affect anyone of any age and any skin tone.

If you are bothered by birthmarks, brown spots, or other skin imperfections, it’s time to see an experienced provider about the best skin-lightening treatment in Reston.

PicoWay Is the Leader in Skin Lightening Laser Technology

Approved by the FDA, PicoWay is the first laser known specifically for its color correction capabilities. It utilizes short, targeted picosecond pulses of light energy to break down pigment into tiny fragments. Over time, your body naturally eliminates these shattered particles.

Widely used for tattoo removal, it is also successful at removing age spots, café-au-lait patches (light to dark brown pigmented birthmarks), freckles, lentigines (flat, dark spots), and more.

PicoWay laser therapy also encourages the production of collagen to firm sagging skin and eliminates the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

The procedure takes around a half hour, and little to no downtime is needed for recovery.

Is the Best Skin Lightening Treatment in Reston Safe?

Yes, it is! Picoway is safe for a wide range of skin tones because it works from the inside out, leaving the top layer of skin untouched which minimizes the risk of complications.

Prepare for Laser Skin Lightening Treatment With These Simple Tips

You can expect detailed instructions on how to prepare for your PicoWay session. Be sure to follow them carefully!

Generally, they include tips such as avoiding sun exposure, tanning beds, and sunless tanning cream for four weeks before treatment. These can all diminish laser effectiveness and increase the risk of complications.

If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to incorporate sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher into your regular skincare routine. Apply it every two hours when in the sun.

Is More Than One Treatment Needed for Sensational Results?

While some patients experience noticeable improvement after a single session, the number of treatments needed varies based on your skin health and aesthetic goals. Your provider will make a recommendation based on the depth, location, size, and type of pigment to be removed.

Following Aftercare Instructions Is Important

Just as you are given instructions to prepare, you are provided with aftercare information. This is a general guideline to give you an idea of what to expect.

Cleanse the treated area at least daily with water and mild soap, then gently pat it dry, and do not rub or scratch the treated area.

Crusting or scabbing are normal side effects. Do not shave or pick the area. Apply moisturizer two to three times a day, and allow scabs to resolve on their own naturally.

Don’t use products containing retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, or Vitamin C for one week following treatment. Use cold gel packs or over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen to relieve discomfort.

Refrain from engaging in activities that could harm the treated area. Avoid swimming, soaking, or using hot tubs and saunas until the treated skin has fully healed.

Here’s When to Expect to See Results and How Long They Last

Collagen build-up is gradual, so it can take six to eight weeks for you to see significant improvement. Typically, the final effects are evident within several months of the final session.

It is possible for the best skin-lightening treatment in Reston to yield permanent results in some cases. However, laser therapy does not stop the normal aging process. You may need ongoing sessions if you are treating fine lines, wrinkles, or other skin concerns.

Say Goodbye to Dark Spots and Hello to Brighter Skin at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

We are proud to offer our patients the latest and most advanced laser treatment for skin lightening. 

Contact us today at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation with one of our experts, and let’s get started on a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs!