How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

Fat removal treatments like CoolSculpting in Reston, Virginia have the ability to eliminate stubborn bulges once and for all and help women and men reach their ultimate body goals. 

CoolSculpting is also an elective cosmetic procedure, that requires out-of-pocket payment. 

As such, patients interested in CoolSculpting understandably want to know more about the associated price before proceeding.

So, how much does CoolSculpting cost in Herndon, VA?

Continue reading as we answer this question and discuss the factors that can affect the price of treatment.

How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

If you’re considering fat freezing, you likely want to know: How much does CoolSculpting cost in Herndon, VA?

According to CoolSculpting’s own website, the average cost of treatment can range between $2000 to $4000.

However, it’s important to mention that a number of factors, particularly treatment area and type of CoolSculpting applicator, can have a considerable impact on the price of your procedure.

What Factors Can Affect CoolSculpting Cost?

When calculating the cost of your CoolSculpting treatment, there are several factors at play, including:

Accordingly, an in-person consultation with one of our highly skilled and certified CoolSculpting providers is the best way to get an accurate estimate for your fat freezing treatment.

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas 

Treatment areas and type of applicator play a key role in answering the question – How much does CoolSculpting cost?

CoolSculpting is currently FDA-cleared to freeze and eliminate fat from the following areas:

Treatment of any bilateral area, such as the arms, thighs, or flanks, requires a treatment of the left and right sides of the body.

Learn More

If you are considering CoolSculpting in Herndon, VA, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled and experienced providers.