
CoolSculpting vs. SculpSure | Which Is Better?

Used to reduce stubborn body fat without the need for surgery or downtime, CoolSculpting and SculpSure have become two of the most popular non-invasive body contouring treatments.

In fact, millions of men and women have elected to use these methods in order to address belly fat, love handles, thigh fat, back fat, double chins, and more. 

When comparing the two methods, it’s important to note that both CoolSculpting and SculpSure are safe and effective, although there are advantages and disadvantages to each treatment, which you can learn about by reading on below. 

How Does Each Method Work?

Both of these treatments focus on lipolysis, which is the destruction and removal of fat cells, although each treatment accomplishes this in its own way. 

CoolSculpting, for example, uses a controlled cooling to freeze fat cells to death, while Sculpsure uses laser technology to essentially melt the fat cells away. Given that fat cells are more effected by temperature fluctuations than surrounding tissue or skin, both of these treatment methods are possible. 

Both colder temperatures and warmer temperatures can effectively address fat cells without damaging skin or tissue. 

CoolSculpting vs. SculpSure

As previously mentioned, both of these treatments have been proven to be safe and effective and both have also been approved by the FDA.

According to a study published in Lasers in Science and Medicine, 96% percent of patients gave a positive review of Sculpsure, which, per the study, resulted in a 24% reduction of fat. 

On the other hand, CoolSculpting has also received positive reviews, as evidenced by a study published in Dermatological Surgery.

“Survey results demonstrated 73% patient satisfaction and… a 23% reduction in fat layer thickness at 3 months.”

While results obviously depend on the individual, results for both treatments can typically be seen over the course of eight to 16 weeks, as the treatments depend on the body’s lymphatic system to gather and eliminate damaged fat cells. In addition, both treatments provide long lasting results. 

Which Treatment Should You Choose?

Generally, the two treatments provide similar results, although SculpSure is known to be a bit more affordable. 

One advantage to using Sculpsure is that with this method, four different areas can be treated at one time, while CoolSculpting only allows for one area to be treated at a time. Because of this, extensive body contouring is made much more difficult and much more expensive with CoolSculpting. 

In addition, Sculpsure also provides shorter treatment times and far less side effects than CoolSculpting, which can cause tenderness, redness, bruising, and swelling. CoolSculpting is also typically painful and requires a recovery period whereas Sculpsure is not painful and requires no downtime or recovery. 

For more information, feel free to call GMA today to schedule a consultation.