
How Do I Find the Best Tattoo Removal Specialist Near Me?

If you have an unwanted tattoo, you are not alone. In fact, according to reports, approximately 50 percent of people with tattoos would like to remove them.

Fortunately, laser tattoo removal has the ability to get rid of ink and restore your skin, without surgery or downtime.

For anyone wondering – How do I find the best tattoo removal specialist near me? – here’s a list of three helpful tips.

How Do I Find the Best Tattoo Removal Specialist Near Me?

1. Inquire About Credentials and Qualifications

As you gather a list of potential providers, be sure to research the practitioner’s qualifications and experience.

The provider that you choose should be a certified laser specialist who has extensive experience performing laser tattoo removal.

2. Ask Questions and Assess Photos

At your initial consultation, you should be prepared to ask plenty of questions, including:

  • How many years the provider has been performing laser tattoo removal
  • How often he or she performs tattoo removal in a given week
  • The kind of results that you can expect
  • How many treatments you may need

Additionally, ask to see a portfolio of before and after photos and find out how many sessions it took to achieve these results.

3. Insist on Cutting-Edge Technology

In order to find the best tattoo removal specialist near me, you should ensure that the provider uses cutting-edge equipment.

At Generations Medical Aesthetics Skin & Laser Center, we are proud to offer our patients PicoWay’s advanced technology.

PicoWay is a high-powered laser that employs a photoacoustic effect, instead of a photothermal effect, to safely, effectively, and efficiently treat multi-colored tattoos on all skin types and tones.

By delivering ultra-short pulses, PicoWay shatters ink of any color, without harming skin or surrounding structures. This makes for a faster, safer, and more successful treatment and requires fewer sessions than conventional laser tattoo removal devices.

Looking for the Best Tattoo Removal Specialist Near Me?

If you are searching for the best laser tattoo specialist near me, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.