What Is Baby Botox?

If you’re tired of seeing wrinkles on your face and tired of that tiredness only worsening your wrinkles, it’s time to consider Botox. But, maybe you decided that Botox would be too much for you. If that’s the case, baby Botox may be perfect for you! So, what is baby Botox exactly?

What Is Baby Botox Compared to Traditional Botox?

Baby Botox uses the same botulinum toxin type A as traditional Botox to reduce the appearance of lines. It just uses smaller amounts compared to traditional Botox. This means that the result should be less dramatic and more natural looking. This procedure yields results that do not last as long, so this is a great option for those who want subtle results or who want to try Botox without committing for a long period of time. Since less of the injection material is used, baby Botox is usually less expensive. Baby Botox is also a great option for those who do not want to have to deal with a lot of maintenance. With traditional Botox, follow-up appointments should be every three to four months, but baby Botox only needs follow-up appointments every four to five months.

Do I Qualify for Baby Botox to Help Reverse the Signs of Aging?

To be eligible for baby Botox, you should have healthy skin and be in relatively good health. This means that you should not have high blood pressure, hemophilia, hepatitis, or any other blood disorders. It is also important that you do not have any previous reactions to botulinum toxin.

For Beautiful Baby Botox Results Before It’s Time to Break Out the Mistletoe, Give Us a Call!

Join us at Generations Medical Aesthetics for the best baby Botox that you can find! Our goal is to help you find the perfect treatment for you, so make an appointment today now that we’ve answered your question, “What is baby Botox?” Call us at 703-439-1104 to get in as quickly as you can, so you can look great for the upcoming holiday parties! Don’t forget to ask about our current specials to save big while looking beautiful!

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