
How Much Does Lip Filler Cost in Herndon, VA?

American actress Connie Stevens once said, “Nothing you wear is as important as your smile.” Are you happy with yours, and do you wear it proudly? Are your lips as voluptuous and balanced as you’d like them to be? If not, dermal filler for lips might be a welcomed addition to your wardrobe. Lip filler allows you to augment your lips safely and without surgery, but how much does lip filler cost in Herndon, VA?

What Is Lip Filler?

A dermal filler created specifically for your lips, lip filler brands like Juvéderm have developed filler with synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA). As you age, your skin loses elasticity, and your lips can lose volume. Lip filler can improve laxity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles around your lips, restore volume, and give you an overall balanced and symmetrical appearance. 

Do Lip Filler Injections Hurt?

It’s normal to be concerned about needles in such a sensitive area, but there is no need to be worried. While you will feel some pressure during your injections, they aren’t usually painful. Your injector will apply topical numbing cream to make sure you’re comfortable. 

How Long Does It Take to See Lip Filler Results?

Great news – they’re immediate! You will experience more fullness right away.

However, you may also experience swelling and bruising, so know that the initial effect is not your final result. While you’ll notice some improvement in volume relatively quickly, lip filler needs time to integrate into your tissues. Be patient! You should see your final outcome within a month.

The minor side effects are largely due to the actual injections and not the filler itself and they typically dissipate within a week. If not, you should contact your injector.

Are Lip Filler Results Long Lasting?

Yes, they are! Of course, the longevity of your results depends on how quickly your body metabolizes the product and the brand of lip filler you choose. Most patients enjoy their lip filler results for nine to 12 months and in some cases even longer. 

How Much Does Lip Filler Cost in Herndon, VA?

It’s important to remember that all medspas have their own way of pricing treatments. How much you pay for cosmetic injectables is influenced by many factors including the skill/experience of your injector and your geographic location. 

The lip filler cost in Herndon, VA is typically between $500 to $1,400 per syringe. You may only need one syringe, or you may want up to two or three depending on the results you wish to achieve. 

Do I Qualify for Lip Filler Injections?

This is a decision you’ll make with your injector during a lip filler consultation. Before getting filler, you need a medical evaluation to make sure it’s safe for you to proceed with treatment. 

A consultation is scheduled before any medical or cosmetic procedure not only to make sure it’s right for you but to also discuss your treatment goals. You should also take advantage of this time to ask any questions you have. 

As long as you are healthy and have the desire to safely augment your lips, you’re likely a great candidate for lip filler. 

For the Best Lip Filler Results in Virginia, Choose the Skilled Cosmetic Injectors at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

We would love the opportunity to share with you how you can benefit from lip filler. Whether you are interested in treatment due to aging or because you’re not in love with the lips you were born with, lip filler is a customizable treatment that can help you reach your aesthetic goals! To book your consultation today, contact us at 703-439-1104. It’s time to kiss unpleasant lips goodbye!

Best Lip Filler Results in Dulles, Virginia

Whether you’re not a fan of the lips you were born with or signs of aging are starting to show, lip filler can create a more youthful appearance. Before treatment, you should learn easy steps to protect your investment and beautiful, fuller lips. Consider this your game plan to score the best lip filler results in Dulles, Virginia. 

Choose a Qualified Lip Filler Injector

Sensations lip filler results from top brands like Juvéderm begin even before you have injections. It’s important you don’t settle for the first injector you find on the internet. Of course, that’s a legitimate way to find a lip filler provider, but you should also do your homework. 

Your lip filler injector needs to be a licensed medical professional that has completed training. Verify they are certified to administer cosmetic injectables. Read reviews online. Ask to see before/after photos of their work. 

Schedule a Dermal Filler Consultation Before Lip Injections

This is an important meeting and one you should have before any aesthetic treatment. During your lip filler consultation, your injector will need to conduct a medical evaluation to make sure the treatment is safe for you. 

You’ll be given quite a bit of information as well, such as how to prepare for lip filler injections and what to expect during your appointment. If you have questions about lip filler, now is a good time to ask. 

Talk to Your Lip Injector About Pain Medication

While your injector will ensure you are comfortable during treatment, it is no secret that there is a bit of soreness after lip injections. It’s only temporary, but it’s a good idea to speak with your injector about a safe pain reliever for you to take immediately following your lip filler injections if you’re sensitive to pain. 

Eat Well and Drink Plenty of Water

Everyone knows that a nutritious diet and hydration are necessary to stay healthy, but did you know they help with healing too? It’s true! Be careful though. Foods with too much sodium can increase swelling, a common yet temporary lip filler side effect. 

Keep Ice Packs Handy

Another normal side effect of lip filler injections is bruising. Applying ice to the treatment area will not only reduce bruising after injections, but it can also help with swelling and discomfort.

Hit the Gym Before Your Lip Filler Appointment

If you enjoy a workout, do it before you get injections. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activity for at least 48 hours. Increased blood flow can worsen lip filler side effects. 

Be Mindful of How You Sleep

One important step to getting the best lip filler results in Dulles, Virginia is to sleep with your head elevated. Not only will this reduce swelling, but it’ll keep your filler from becoming displaced. Be careful, and don’t put pressure on your lips. 

Keep Away From High Temps

Saunas, steam rooms, and hot showers should be off-limits for 48 hours. Heat can make swelling worse. 

Timing Is Important

Are you getting lip filler for a special event? If so, plan accordingly. Everyone heals differently, so to be on the safe side allow yourself at least two to three weeks to fully heal and for all side effects to dissipate. 

For the Best Lip Filler Results in Dulles, Virginia Trust the Experts at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

Our providers specialize in cosmetic injectables that can restore your youth and turn back the clock. This includes lip filler! 

All procedures at Generations Medical Aesthetics are supervised by our medical director, Dr. Shannon Ginnan, so you can be sure you are getting the top-notch, personalized care you deserve. Contact us at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation today!

Best Lip Filler Results in Herndon, VA

Not everyone is blessed with plump and juicy lips. This could be due to genetics, the aging process, or other reasons. If your lips are a source of insecurity, then dermal fillers may be the solution for you. Here’s your quick guide on filler injections, plus which brand yields the best lip filler results in Herndon, VA!

What Are Lip Filler Injections, and How Do They Work?

Lip fillers are an extremely popular aesthetic treatment. In fact, in 2018 alone, over 2.1 million lip filler procedures were performed. Also, that number has only grown since then. Despite their popularity, you may not know what soft tissue fillers are and how they work to enhance the lips.

Lip injections are a type of dermal filler treatment that uses an injectable gel, typically made of synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA), to add volume to your lips. The main goal of this is to make the lips fuller, healthier, and juicier. Lip fillers offer additional benefits, such as:

  • Balancing asymmetry concerns between the top and bottom lip or sides of the mouth
  • Improving and correcting the shape of your lips to better suit your features
  • Smoothing lip lines and wrinkles around the mouth

Lip fillers are FDA-approved, safe, and non-surgical. Fortunately, they require no downtime required afterward! You can go about your typical day after injections in most cases.

Which Brand Gives the Best Lip Filler Results in Herndon, VA?

There are many brands and types of dermal fillers available that are used for non-surgical lip augmentation, with Juvéderm being one of the most popular and versatile brands. Their products offer the most natural-looking and longest-lasting results.

Juvéderm is a popular HA-based soft tissue filler that has been approved since 2006. In their line of products, there are two designated fillers for lip augmentation – Volbella XC and Ultra XC, though others may be used around the mouth.

Volbella XC is an injectable crystal-clear gel. The injectable is indicated for minimally invasive lip augmentation and the reduction of perioral lines. Perioral lines are the fine or deep wrinkles around your mouth. Results can last up to one year.

Ultra XC is another clear injectable gel used for lip plumping. Similarly to Volbella, results can last up to a year. Good candidates also have realistic expectations and no active oral infections, such as cold sores.

How Much Do Lip Fillers Cost? Are They Worth the Money?

By enlisting the help of a skilled, board-certified healthcare provider, you are able to achieve the best lip filler results in Herndon, VA that are worth every penny.

The average Juvéderm cost is $782, but a single syringe can cost anywhere from $500 to $975 or more. It really depends on which product you use for lip enhancement. There are some other factors that could come into play when the price is determined. For example, your provider’s credentials and skills, and the location of the medical spa you’re being treated at.

Your individual anatomy and goals for lip filler injections determine how many syringes you need. A conservative amount of filler is typically given to first-time patients. Some people only need half of a syringe total, whereas others may need one or two syringes.

For an individualized treatment plan and accurate pricing, consult with a reputable provider who specializes in cosmetic injectables like soft tissue fillers. 

Love Your Lips With Custom Filler Treatments From Generations Medical Aesthetics!

Generations Medical Aesthetics is Northern Virginia’s best medical spa, and we specialize in non-surgical cosmetic procedures including Juvéderm lip fillers! Take a look at our testimonials, and then give us a call today at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation and join our many satisfied patients!