
Can You Ever Fully Remove a Tattoo?

Mistakes happen, and this is especially true when it comes to tattoos. Whether you ended up with a less-than-stellar artist or you are dealing with ink regret, you might be wondering, “Can you ever fully remove a tattoo?”

Here, you can find the answer you need!

How Is Tattoo Removal Accomplished?

Before we answer, “Can you ever fully remove a tattoo,” let’s take a look at the process.

State-of-the-art technology like Picoway is ideal for tattoo removal. It works on various colors and skin depths. The laser energy absorbs the tattoo pigment but leaves surrounding tissues undamaged. This treatment breaks down the ink into tiny fragments that your body eventually absorbs and eliminates through your lymphatic system.

Consider These Factors Before Proceeding With Treatment

There are variables that you need to consider before undergoing Picoway laser tattoo removal. The following can impact the success of treatment:

  • Consistency with the treatment plan is crucial as multiple sessions are typically needed for the best results.
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Quality of the tattoo
  • Skill and experience of the provider
  • Skin tone and health
  • Tattoo and size

A consultation with a reputable provider is essential to ensure your safety and to create a personalized treatment plan for optimal results.

Can You Ever Fully Remove a Tattoo: The Bottom Line

Individual results vary. Depending on the factors above coupled with how well you follow all pre- and post-laser tattoo removal instructions are going to impact your outcome.

Say Goodbye to Tattoo Regret When You Say Hello to Generations Medical Aesthetics!

We understand mistakes are a part of life, and we are not here to judge! Our job is your safety and offering the skill and experience necessary for you to enjoy fantastic results.If it is time for a blank slate, contact us at 703-439-1104 to book your appointment. We are ready to work with you on a personalized solution to erase that ink!

Can Tattoos Be 100% Removed?

Let’s jump right into it. Can tattoos be 100% removed? The answer is unfortunately not cut and dry. While the process itself is relatively easy, there is a lot to consider before having laser tattoo removal.

This quick guide answers the most commonly asked questions and can help you make an informed treatment decision.

Does Tattoo Removal Provide Immediate Results?

Laser technology has certainly come a long way, but that does not mean you get overnight results. It takes time to complete treatment, so patience is vital. Remember, tattoo ink is meant to be permanent!

The laser energy absorbs tattoo ink without damaging surrounding tissue. It breaks down ink into tiny particles, which your body then absorbs. Over time, your lymphatic system naturally eliminates these particles.

A typical treatment plan consists of five to 10 sessions or more, depending on specific factors. The sessions should be scheduled four to eight weeks apart to allow time for healing.

Is It Painful?

Before we answer your question, “Can tattoos be 100% removed,” let’s discuss what treatment feels like. Keep in mind individual experiences and pain thresholds vary!

Some people have said getting a tattoo hurts more than removal. Others have stated the opposite. While it is impossible to predict exactly what you are going to feel, there are some tips you can try to make it less painful.

An approved over-the-counter pain reliever, numbing creams, and taking care of your health goes a long way toward easing discomfort.

What Should I Do Before and After Treatment?

Expect your provider to give you full pre- and post-laser tattoo removal guidelines. Beforehand, they may ask you to avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen. Be sure to stay hydrated.

Following aftercare instructions is essential for a great outcome as is dedication to finishing your treatment plan. After each session, keep the area clean and apply recommended ointments. Protect the area from the sun, and avoid picking scabs.

Is It Possible to Just Lighten the Ink if I’m Getting a New Tattoo Over the Old One?

Sure, and this would likely cut down on the number of sessions you need, as well as the cost. Be sure to discuss your options with a reputable provider.

How Do I Find the Best Laser Tattoo Removal Provider?

Many medspas offer this service, but that does not mean they are qualified! Do research.

Choose an experienced provider who uses only the most advanced technology. Verify their background, and take a look at before/after photos to gauge their quality of work.

You can read reviews and testimonials. This allows you to get a sense of patient satisfaction and a provider’s overall commitment to safety and level of service.

Start a rapport by scheduling a consultation. Compatibility and communication style matter. Meet a provider before making your final decision. Pay attention to your instincts, and continue your search until you feel confident with your choice.

Honest discussions are key! Not only must a provider be transparent about procedure details, side effects, risks, and costs, but you have a responsibility to honestly discuss your medical history, medication, health conditions, aesthetic goals, and expectations.

Can Tattoos Be 100% Removed?

Tattoo size, colors, depth of the ink, lifestyle habits, age, overall health, laser technician skills, and technology all impact treatment. But the bottom line is, yes, with commitment, patience, and adherence to guidelines, most tattoos can be fully removed.

Bad Tattoos Disappear at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

Our providers combine expertise with cutting-edge technology because you deserve the best. If you are ready to say goodbye to tattoo regrets, we can help. Call us at 703-439-1104 to book your appointment. It is time to redefine the narrative on your skin!

Tattoo Removal Cost in Ashburn

Typically, tattoos are considered a lifelong commitment. However, circumstances change and so do preferences. So, thankfully laser tattoo removal is available! Just how much does laser tattoo removal cost in Ashburn and what factors influence pricing? Well, here’s what you need to know.

How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost in Ashburn?

You can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per visit. Laser tattoo removal is typically priced per session. Typically, the sessions are spaced several weeks apart. Fortunately, this allows the skin to heal in between treatments.

What Affects the Price?

The cost varies widely, influenced by many factors. For example:

  • Size and complexity: These play a significant role in determining the overall cost. Larger tattoos or those with intricate designs require more time and resources to remove. Consequently, this impacts the price per session.
  • Color and ink depth: Tattoos with a multitude of colors or deep ink penetration may necessitate more sessions for effective removal. Certain pigments can be more challenging to break down, influencing the overall cost.
  • Location on the body: Additionally, the location of the tattoo on the body affects the removal process. Also, it affects the cost of the tattoo removal. Areas with more sensitive skin or higher blood flow may respond differently to treatment.
  • Number of sessions: The number of visits needed for complete removal varies based on factors like tattoo size, ink depth, and individual skin response. More sessions generally translate to a higher overall tattoo removal cost in Ashburn.

If you’re considering tattoo removal, you should consult with a laser professional for a personalized assessment and quote based on your unique circumstances.

Your Customized Quote Is Just a Phone Call Away!

Call our providers at Generations Medical Aesthetics today at 703-439-1104 to see how much it will cost you to get rid of ink regrets. One quick and easy consultation is all it takes to see how long it will take to achieve tattoo-free skin again!

Discover the Best Tattoo Removal Services in Fairfax, Virginia

Are you looking to bid farewell to an unwanted tattoo? Well, Generations Medical Aesthetics is your trusted destination for the best tattoo removal services. We pride ourselves on our advanced techniques and experienced professionals! Additionally, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve clear, tattoo-free skin! Keep reading to learn more.

State-of-the-Art Tattoo Removal Technology

At Generations Medical Aesthetics, we employ state-of-the-art laser technology for tattoo removal. Our advanced lasers target the tattoo’s pigment while minimizing the impact on the surrounding skin. Consequently, this ensures efficient removal with minimal discomfort.

Additionally, we understand that each tattoo is unique, and so are our treatment plans. Our experts assess your tattoo’s size, color, and location to create a personalized removal plan tailored to your needs. Fortunately, this approach ensures optimal results with fewer sessions.

Why Choose Generations Medical Aesthetics for Tattoo Removal?

  1. Experienced Professionals:

Our team consists of skilled and experienced professionals who specialize in tattoo removal. Fortunately, you can trust their expertise to provide safe and effective treatments.

  1. Cutting-Edge Technology:

Also, we invest in the latest tattoo removal technology. This ensures that you receive the best and most advanced treatment available.

  1. Personalized Approach:

We recognize that tattoo removal is not one-size-fits-all. Consequently, our personalized treatment plans address your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results.

  1. Comfortable Environment:

Finally, our clinic offers a comfortable and welcoming environment. Fortunately, this makes your tattoo removal experience as pleasant as possible.

So, What Does The Tattoo Removal Process Consist Of?


First, your journey to tattoo-free skin begins with a consultation. Our experts will assess your tattoo, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan.

Treatment Sessions

During your sessions, our advanced lasers will target and break down the tattoo’s pigment. You may experience some discomfort. However, our professionals will make every effort to ensure your comfort.


Eventually, you’ll notice your tattoo fading as your body eliminates the fragmented pigment. However, multiple sessions may be required to achieve your desired results.

Generations Medical Aesthetics is your premier destination for the best tattoo removal services in Fairfax, Virginia. We’re committed to helping you achieve the clear, tattoo-free skin you desire. So say goodbye to unwanted tattoos with confidence! Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Your journey towards a tattoo-free future starts now.

PicoWay Laser Treatment Cost in VA

From misspelled words that could make a dictionary cringe to questionable artistic skills that make you wonder if the artist sneezed mid-stroke, bad tattoos happen. You get how upsetting this can be if you have experienced it. Laser tattoo removal is the modern-day magic eraser for regrettable ink. If you are considering getting rid of a lousy tattoo, you’re probably curious about how much you’ll pay. This guide to PicoWay laser treatment cost in VA will address that question and more.

How Does Laser Removal of Tattoos Work?

Using ultra-fast picosecond pulses, PicoWay’s advanced laser technology shatters the tattoo ink into tiny fragments. These microscopic particles are then naturally eliminated by the body’s immune system.

PicoWay’s short pulses and high peak power allow for efficient ink disruption, even for stubborn and multicolored tattoos. Plus, its innovative technology minimizes discomfort and reduces the risk of skin damage.

With each zap of the laser, those questionable tattoos fade away like bad memories. It’s like a breakup with your skin art but with a happier ending!

Who Is Eligible for Laser Tattoo Removal?

Good candidates for laser tattoo removal include individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Those who are in good overall health are suitable candidates for laser tattoo removal. Certain medical conditions or medications may affect the treatment process, so it’s important to disclose your medical history during the consultation.
  • Laser tattoo removal is most effective on fully developed tattoos. This is because the ink pigments are more stabilized at this time. However, various types and colors of tattoos can be treated, including professional, amateur, and cosmetic tattoos.
  • Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcome of laser tattoo removal. Complete removal cannot be guaranteed for all tattoos. However, significant fading or complete removal is often achievable. The success of the treatment depends on several factors, including the tattoo size, color(s), location on your body, and individual response.
  • Smoking can impair the healing process and affect the overall results of laser tattoo removal. It’s generally recommended for candidates to be non-smokers or willing to quit smoking during the treatment period.
  • Laser tattoo removal requires multiple sessions spread over several weeks or months. Candidates should be willing to commit to the treatment schedule and follow the aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner.

Remember, every individual and tattoo is unique, so a thorough consultation with a professional is essential to determine your candidacy for laser tattoo removal and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful?

Truthfully, it can be uncomfortable. The level of discomfort varies depending on individual pain tolerance and other factors such as the size, color, and location of the tattoo. Many people compare the sensation to the snap of a rubber band on the skin. However, numbing creams or cooling techniques can help minimize discomfort. 

How Many Sessions Do I Need for Sensational Results?

Before we talk about the cost, let’s take a look at how many sessions you’ll need. The number of PicoWay tattoo removal sessions needed can vary depending on many factors. These include the size, color, and depth of the tattoo, as well as individual skin characteristics. 

For optimal results, multiple treatment sessions are generally required. Some tattoos may require four to 10 sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve significant fading or complete removal. 

It is important to note that each case is unique. Therefore, the exact number of sessions can only be determined by a qualified professional after they assessing the tattoo and your skin.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

The timeline to see visible results from laser tattoo removal can vary depending on various factors. Typically, after each session, you may notice some fading and changes in the tattoo. However, it takes time for the body to naturally eliminate the fragmented ink particles. 

It can take several weeks for the full effects of a session to become apparent. Substantial fading and visible improvement in the tattoo usually occur over multiple sessions. Patience and consistency are key to achieving optimal results. 

It’s essential to consult with a professional to get a realistic estimate based on your specific tattoo and treatment plan.

Let’s Get to the Investment – How Much Does the PicoWay Laser Treatment Cost in VA?

Obviously, the larger the tattoo, the more you’ll pay. On average, the PicoWay laser treatment cost in VA can range from around $150 to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It is best to consult with a professional provider. They can provide an accurate assessment and cost estimate based on your specific tattoo and treatment needs.

Do I Need to Prepare for PicoWay Treatment?

You will be provided with full instructions on how to prepare. Here are a few tips to keep in mind! Firstly, avoid excessive sun exposure. Additionally, keep your skin well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Finally, use moisturizers regularly. You should also inform your practitioner about any medications you are taking, as some medications can increase the risk of complications.

Isn’t It Time to Say Hello to a Blank Canvas and Get Ready for a Fresh Start? Contact Generations Medical Aesthetics to Learn More About PicoWay!

Laser tattoo removal has been turning disasters into tales of redemption, one pulse at a time. Millions of people just like you have discovered how great it feels to get rid of bad ink. Learn what our patients already know- you can count on our medical professionals for outstanding results.

Give us a call at 703-439-1104 to learn more about what PicoWay laser tattoo removal can do for you. It’s the permanent, safe solution you can get excited about!

Is 100% Tattoo Removal Permanent and Possible?

Laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective option for removing unwanted ink. However, is 100% tattoo removal permanent and possible? Keep reading to find out if lasers can remove a tattoo entirely and what affects whether it’s completely removable or not!

What Factors Affect My Chances for Successful Tattoo Removal?

Tattoo removal is entirely dependent on the type of tattoo you have, as well as your body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is essentially the drainage system of your body, flushing out fluids, toxins, and tattoo ink. So, it’s important that this system is encouraged and kept healthy.

The tattoo itself is the main factor when it comes to successful removal. If your tattoo is small and includes colors like black, dark blue, brown, or green, it will be considerably easier to eliminate. If it’s large and contains colors like pink, red, or orange, it will be harder.

Is 100% Tattoo Removal Permanent and Possible? If So, Why or Why Not?

Laser tattoo removal can actually remove the entirety of your tattoo. This results in the appearance that there was never any ink there in the first place.

Complete removal is based on the ink in your skin being broken up into tiny pieces, making it easier for your blood cells to essentially eat them up. Again, the type of tattoo you have effects this. So, ask your specialist about the level of fading you can expect.

Tattoo removal is permanent. Unless for some reason you re-tattoo the exact same design where the old one used to be, you’ll be rid of that regretted ink for good.

Put an End to the Regret and Receive Safe Tattoo Removal at Generations Medical Aesthetics!

For answers to questions like, “Is 100% tattoo removal permanent and possible,” turn to Generations! Call us at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation with one of our fantastic providers and learn more about how we can help you fade your tattoo.

Best Tattoo Removal Cost in Fairfax, Virginia

It’s easier to add than it is to take away, and this especially rings true for tattoos. Unfortunately, removing tattoos can be pricey, but exactly how costly is it? Here’s what you need to know about the price of removal, plus where you can find the best tattoo removal cost in Fairfax, Virginia!

Does Insurance Cover Tattoo Removal? If Not, How Do I Afford Treatment?

Tattoo removal is a very personal choice that you shouldn’t be punished for that choice with a high cost. Unfortunately, medical insurance doesn’t cover things like tattoo removal that are purely cosmetic in nature.

You do have options for an affordable payment. Ask if your provider offers financing or if you can purchase your removal sessions at a reduced price bundle for the best tattoo removal cost in Fairfax, Virginia.

How Much Does the Best Tattoo Removal Cost in Fairfax, Virginia? Is It Expensive?

Laser tattoo removal is typically more expensive than getting a tattoo to begin with in most cases. However, that doesn’t mean removing a source of insecurity isn’t worth it. On average, tattoo removal costs around $423, however, it can reach up to $4,000 or more in some cases. It depends on a number of factors including:

  • The size of your tattoo
  • The color and quality of the ink used
  • How long you have had the tattoo
  • Number of sessions required to achieve removal

A multi-color tattoo that is professionally done is going to cost more than a poor-quality black ink tattoo due to the difficulty of removal, so keep that in mind.

Book Your Free (Yes, Free!) Consultation at Generations Medical Aesthetics for Your Tattoo Removal Estimate!

Generations Medical Aesthetics empowers our patients in Reston and beyond with safe tattoo removal that is personalized to your specific needs. When you call us at 703-439-1104 to book, make sure to ask about any upcoming monthly specials on cosmetic services to help you feel more confident in your own skin!

Painless Tattoo Removal in Reston, Virginia

Many people will tell you having a tattoo removed hurts, and the truth is it can. However, the pain you feel does depend on the method you choose. So, what is the best way to painlessly remove an unwanted tat? Patients are now turning to laser technology to get rid of those inky mistakes! Is painless tattoo removal in Reston, Virginia even possible? Let’s take a look. 

Which Tattoo Removal Method Causes the Most Pain?

There are chemical and natural creams that are applied directly to the skin. While these might work after a long period of time, you risk permanent scarring and discoloration of your skin around the tattoo in addition to pain from the exfoliants.

Surgical tattoo removal is also another option. Using a local or general anesthetic, your surgeon removes the inked skin. If you have a large tattoo, this can result in significant scarring. No matter the size of your tat, recovery can be long and painful. However, this is a very effective removal method. 

These days, the most popular, safest, and painless tattoo removal in Reston, Virginia, is done with lasers. High-heat pulses of light energy are quickly passed over the tattoo to shatter the ink. The destroyed ink is absorbed by your body naturally until it is eventually excreted. 

How Many Laser Tattoo Removal Sessions Will I Need?

The number of tattoo removal sessions you need depends on the size of the tattoo, the depth/color of ink(s), and your skin tone. Your provider will be able to tell you how many laser tattoo removal sessions you might need during a consultation. 

Where Can I Find the Best Painless Tattoo Removal in Reston, Virginia?

At Generations Medical Aesthetics, of course! For laser tattoo removal, we use Picoway laser, as we’ve found it to be the most painless way to remove unwanted ink with the lowest risk of side effects. Schedule your consultation with one of our tattoo removal providers by calling our office at 703-439-1104 today!

Tattoo Removal Cost in Ashburn, Virginia

Tattoos are often symbolic, representing a happy memory or someone you love, and they make you happy. Other times – not so much. Do you have a tattoo regret? If so, you might be curious about the tattoo removal cost in Ashburn, Virginia. Here’s what you should know about the expense.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

The process of removing a tattoo is easier than you might think with laser systems like Picoway. This FDA-approved laser technology emits light energy that goes deep into the skin to shatter the ink. The ink is then safely absorbed and eliminated by your body. The number of tattoo removal sessions you need really depends on the complexity of your tattoo.

While there are other ways to remove tattoos, laser tattoo removal is the safest way to do so. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but most patients find tattoo removal manageable. If pain is a concern, ask your provider about applying a topical numbing cream before treatment.

So, How Much Does Tattoo Removal Cost in Ashburn, Virginia?

Your total cost is dependent upon many factors including how many sessions you’ll need, the age of the tattoo, the area being treated, and tattoo size, color(s), and depth of the ink. Suffice it to say you will likely need multiple sessions for complete removal. 

The average tattoo removal cost in Ashburn, Virginia is around $450. It may cost less, but fees can be in the thousands of dollars depending on the factors mentioned above.

For Safe, Effective Tattoo Removal Near Ashburn, Choose Generations Medical Aesthetics

Before treatment, we will test your skin’s reaction to the laser to make sure you’re comfortable and that you receive just the right amount of energy necessary for success. 

PicoWay treatments use a picosecond laser – a picosecond is a trillionth of a second! This is beneficial for you, as it means you can achieve drastic results without exposing your skin to too much heat, making it quicker, safer, and more comfortable. Contact us at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation for a custom quote today!

Best Tattoo Removal in VA

Tattoos can be a wonderful form of expression, remind us of great successes or even of our strength and ability to overcome.

But a bad tattoo can also cause a great deal of regret. Fortunately, tattoo removal technology has improved leaps and bounds, allowing people the chance to wipe the slate clean.

If you’re considering erasing your tat, read on for more about how it works and where to go for the best tattoo removal in VA.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

During laser tattoo removal, the light from the laser identifies and targets the pigment of the tattoo ink. Innovative technology allows the process to target the specific colors of the tattoo, without damaging the skin. 

The PicoWay laser, one of the most noteworthy lasers in tattoo removal, uses shorter bursts of light making it safe for all skin types, not to mention it’s the only technology that uses multiple wavelengths.

This feature gives practitioners the ability to remove tattoos of a variety of colors.

Where Can I Get the Best Tattoo Removal in VA?

If you’re looking for the best local tattoo removal, the first step is research. It’s best to choose a practice where the staff has medical training or medical background.

Another key tip to finding the best of the best is to check reviews on independent sites like Google or Yelp. If they have 4.5 stars or higher, that shows that they are results- and patient-oriented. 

Lastly, check their website or give the practice a call to find out what tattoo removal device they utilize. You’ll want to choose a practice that uses state-of-the-art technology like the PicoWay laser.

Choose Generations Medical Aesthetics to Wipe Your Canvas Clean Again!

For the best tattoo removal in VA, head to Generations Medical Aesthetics, the leading laser center in Northern Virginia.

Our clinic has earned a rating of 4.9 stars on Google because of our experienced cosmetic providers who come from medical backgrounds. And, booking your consultation is easy, just call 703-439-1104 today!