
Best Pico Laser Treatment in Virginia

Is it possible that one device can safely treat acne, correct discoloration, diminish lines and wrinkles, erase dark spots, and even remove tattoos? The answer is yes!

The best Pico laser treatment in Virginia can do all that and more! Here’s what you need to know about this revolutionary laser.

What Makes the PicoWay Laser So Unique?

It is all about innovative technology. The best Pico laser treatment in Virginia was designed to reach below the skin’s surface to work from the inside out.

It specifically targets pigment without causing harm to surrounding skin and tissue. Brief pulses of light energy fragment the pigment into minuscule particles, which your body naturally eliminates over time.

The short pulses of light energy also stimulate collagen production, leading to significantly improved skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

How Do I Prepare for Treatment?

It’s not difficult to prepare for the Pico laser, but it is necessary if you want the best outcomes. Your provider will explain full instructions to prep.

For two weeks before your appointment, it is vital to avoid UV rays, both natural and artificial. If you must be outside, wear a good quality sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Skip self-tanners during this time too.

Most experts suggest scheduling rejuvenation procedures two weeks before or after laser therapy. So if you are planning to have Botox or fillers, schedule those accordingly.

How Soon Can I Expect Results from the Best Pico Laser Treatment in Virginia?

The benefits emerge gradually as your body’s natural healing process begins. Many individuals notice improvements within four to eight weeks after their initial session.

What About Side Effects?

Common side effects of the PicoWay laser include temporary redness, swelling, and discomfort at the treatment site. These typically subside on their own, usually within a week. Little to no downtime is necessary for recovery.

Do I Need More Than One Pico Session for Great Results?

This depends largely on your reasons for treatment. Let’s break it down.

Successful tattoo removal takes time, and the number of necessary sessions varies greatly. The age and depth of the ink, the colors used, size, location, lifestyle factors, and the health of your skin all impact the number of treatments you need. It can take six to eight sessions or more to achieve your desired results. These should be scheduled four to six weeks apart.

If skin rejuvenation is your plan, it can take two to four sessions or more, depending on your goals.

Are Results Permanent?

PicoWay tattoo removal outcomes are permanent.

Since the laser does not stop the natural aging process, you likely need to schedule follow-up sessions to maintain a youthful appearance, as the effects will eventually fade.

Is Aftercare Easy?

As with pre-treatment instructions, you also need to follow post-Pico laser guidelines. Keep these aftercare tips in mind:

  • Gently cleanse the treated area daily with water and mild soap, then pat it dry.
  • Avoid rubbing or scratching, as blistering or scabbing may occur depending on treatment strength.
  • Wait four to six weeks between treatments in the same area.
  • Apply a cold pack post-treatment to reduce swelling and a moisturizer to relieve itching.

Is PicoWay Laser Renewal Right for Me?

It is easy to find out! All it takes is a skin rejuvenation consultation with a reputable provider.

An evaluation of your medical history including health conditions, medications, and an assessment of your skin health is necessary to ensure your safety.

Certain medications and supplements cause photosensitivity, so you may not be able to have treatment if you take them.

Turn to Generations Medical Aesthetics for Healthy, Radiant Skin!

Call us now at 703-439-1104 to schedule your consultation, and let our team tailor a personalized treatment plan to help you love the skin you’re in!

How Effective Is the Pico Laser?

Having clear, beautiful skin is way better than any sort of cosmetic product that only covers up blemishes.

However, getting the makeup-free look, without using actual makeup is almost impossible to do on your own or with traditional spa services.

The fast path to beautiful skin is with the PicoWay laser. So, what is it, and just how effective is the Pico laser?

Give Me the Scoop on Lasers for Skin

Lasers like the PicoWay work to reduce or eliminate almost every sign of aging on your skin.

This amazing treatment can diminish fine lines and wrinkles, ugly brown and red spots, and poor skin texture. The Pico laser can even work on sun damage and melasma!

How Effective Is the PicoWay Laser?

This laser boosts your collagen production like none other. This does wonders for your skin. A laser gently and rapidly heats up your upper dermis, which is underneath your skin’s surface.

The Pico laser safely and effectively helps your skin fill with collagen. The result is brighter, more rejuvenated skin. Finally, say good-bye to melasma and other concerns!  

Tell Me How Safe the Pico Laser Is

The Pico laser prides itself on being safe for all skin tones. It uses special technology to make sure your skin never suffers any damage from laser heat.

However, the laser is only as safe as its operator. So, it’s imperative that you find a provider that is a specialist in cosmetic lasers.

Cool! What About Results?

The results from this sensational laser last for at least six months before you need to return for another treatment.

Having a skin care routine at home that suits your individual needs is the best way to maintain your results. Talk to your dermatologist about what products are right for you.

Generations Medical Aesthetics Is the Gold Standard in Cosmetic Lasers!

How effective is the Pico laser? Let Generations Medical Aesthetics show you! Our providers are premiere leaders in cosmetic lasers.

If you’re tired of looking at sun damage and melasma, contact us at 703-439-1104 to ask about the Pico laser. We know just how to help you reach your aesthetic goals!