
Best PicoWay Treatment Results and Cost in Virginia

There’s a new laser in town, and its name is Picoway! Skin imperfections are simply no match for this innovative technology.

Keep reading to learn all you need to know about the best PicoWay treatment results and cost in Virginia.

How Does This Laser Powerhouse Work?

Through ultra-short pulses of laser energy that last picoseconds (this is one trillionth of a second!) for precise and effective treatment of various skin conditions.

PicoWay is an advanced laser that targets imperfections like wrinkles, pigmentation, scars, and tattoos. The energy is absorbed by only the targeted tissue, which leads to its breakdown and then subsequent absorption and natural elimination by your body.

Is This Laser Safe?

You might be aware that laser therapies are sometimes not suitable for patients with darker skin because these types of procedures can cause damage. That is not the case with PicoWay.

This technology has revolutionized the laser aesthetics industry! Because it works from the inside out, the top layer of your skin remains undamaged making it suitable for a wide range of skin tones.

Yes, the PicoWay laser is safe and effective for nearly everyone!

PicoWay Can Right Many Skin Wrongs

Its versatility means it can address multiple concerns such as wrinkles, pigmentation issues, scars, and bad tattoos. Effectiveness extends to treating fine lines, sun damage, age spots, freckles, and various forms of hyperpigmentation. The treatment also proves beneficial for improving the appearance of acne scars and other types of scars.

Are There Side Effects?

Normal side effects of PicoWay include discomfort at the treatment site, mild redness, and swelling that typically resolve within a few days. If you encounter unusual side effects or they worsen, contact your provider immediately.

How Long Does One Session of PicoWay Take, and How Many Do I Need?

The duration of your session is determined by the complexity of the concern you wish to address. Generally speaking, one session may last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

Tattoo removal can take anywhere from 10 to 12 sessions, but this depends on variables such as the age and size of the tattoo, the depth of the ink, the colors, and your desired results.

Skin rejuvenation can take three to four sessions, but this also depends on factors such as the health of your skin and the severity of your concerns.

Rest assured, a reputable provider can offer personalized information about the specific length and number of treatments suitable for your needs.

What Do I Need to Know About the Best PicoWay Treatment Results and Cost in Virginia?

If your goal is skin rejuvenation, you can expect to see improvement within a week. For tattoo removal, it can take one to two weeks. Results only get better the further along you get into your treatment plan.

As for longevity, results are permanent in most cases, especially when removing a tattoo. However, the procedure does not stop the normal aging process. Issues such as lines, wrinkle, acne, and other concerns may require follow-up sessions for optimal outcomes.

Now, for the price. According to the manufacturer website, a single session of PicoWay can cost from $150 to several hundred dollars. states the average cost is $1,375 total, though it ranges from $300 to $4,300.

Variables that influence the total price include the area(s) to be treated, the number of sessions you require, geographical region, the experience of your provider, and the type of treatment.

The bottom line for pricing is that it is impossible to determine exactly how much you pay without a consultation.

Am I Eligible for Laser Treatment?

It’s so easy to find out! Just schedule a consultation with an experienced PicoWay provider.

Choose a licensed healthcare professional who can properly evaluate your health and assess your needs. During this initial visit, you will receive exact details regarding the best PicoWay treatment results and cost in Virginia.

How Do I Find a Top-Tier PicoWay Provider?

All it takes is diligent research and careful consideration of your options. Be sure to prioritize a provider’s credentials, experience, specializations, and safety protocol. Ask for recommendations from people you trust.

Use legitimate online resources to research reviews and testimonials. Look at the provider’s before-and-after photos so you can get a sense of their aesthetic style and quality of work.

Scheduling a consultation not only allows you to find out if laser treatment is right for you, but it also gives you the opportunity to ask questions so you can assess the provider’s expertise. You can make the most of this time by jotting down your questions and concerns before your appointment.

Transparent communication is a responsibility you and the provider share! Honesty is the only way to ensure your safety and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Turn to Generations Medical Aesthetics for Sensational PicoWay Results!

We consistently strive to not just meet but exceed the expectations of all our patients. At Northern Virginia’s leading skin and laser center, you can expect unparalleled customer care coupled with only the most advanced technology and techniques.

Our goal is to keep you safe while making sure you look and feel your best! All of our providers have a medical background and the experience necessary to ensure you enjoy amazing results, no matter the treatment you choose.

We’d love the opportunity to introduce you to PicoWay and share how this revolutionary technology can improve your appearance and skin health. Call us at 703-439-1104 to book your consultation, and don’t forget to ask about our seasonal special offers!