
Skin Tightening Specialist in Reston, Virginia

How a Skin Tightening Specialist in Reston, Virginia Can Help You Avoid Cosmetic Surgery

Unfortunately, the signs of aging typically show up on the face first. Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can’t be avoided.

If you don’t love what you see when you look in the mirror, then it’s time to see a skin tightening specialist in Reston, Virginia. Don’t love the idea of surgery? That’s okay, because surgery isn’t necessary! Here are two of the top non-surgical skin tightening treatments.

Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing with fractional CO2 does a phenomenal job at tightening. It also tackles sun damage on your face, neck, chest, and shoulders. In fact, you can use it most anywhere on your body!

Laser energy vaporizes old skin to make way for new skin, as well as encouraging the production of collagen. Treatments last 30 to 90 minutes each, and three to five sessions with your skin tightening specialist in Reston, Virginia are needed to achieve full results, which appear over time.


This technique combines radiofrequencies (RF) and microneedling for your face or entire body. Microneedling penetrates the skin, so radiofrequencies are able to reach a level beyond the surface of your skin. This encourages the production of collagen and elastin.

Two to three Morpheus8 sessions are typically needed for the best results, which can last up to 18 months. This is a great treatment for tightening skin, as well as reducing the appearance of acne scars, crepey skin, stretch marks, and discoloration.

You’ll Find a Top Notch Skin Tightening Specialist in Reston, Virginia By Making This Call!

Generations Medical Aesthetics is Northern Virginia’s leading skin and laser center, and we specialize in skin tightening and other non-surgical treatments to help you look your very best!

If you’re ready for smoother, firmer skin and a more youthful appearance, why wait to call? Contact us at 703-439-1104 to schedule your consultation today!