CoolSculpting for Double Chin

There are a lot of over-the-counter gadgets that promise to get rid of your double chin. You can even find videos online that claim to slim your chin, but none of those things actually work.

You’ve heard CoolSculpting gives beautiful results on other parts of your body. However, does CoolSculpting work for double chin?

How Does CoolSculpting Work for Double Chin?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment. It destroys and removes fat cells through a technique called cryolipolysis.

When a professional puts the fat under your chin between two very cold plates, the plates cool your fat cells enough to freeze and destroy them, but not enough to damage any part of your skin. The fat cells are safely removed from your body by your lymphatic system.

Do I Need to Worry About Side Effects?

Absolutely not. CoolSculpting is non-invasive and non-surgical. So, you don’t need to worry about having stitches or a scar on your chin.

You also have no downtime with CoolSculpting, so you can return to your normal routine after your session is over. Each session only takes about 30 minutes, and you only need a couple sessions to experience maximum results.

Great! So, What Are the Results?

CoolSculpting results for double chin are permanent. Once fat cells are killed and removed, they can never come back. Amazing, right?

However, they can be replaced by new cells. Just maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep enjoying your results from CoolSculpting.

The Best Results in CoolSculpting Are Found at Generations Medical Aesthetics Skin & Laser!

If you’re still asking, how does CoolSculpting work for double chin, then ask the professionals at GMA Skin & Laser.

There are no other CoolSculpting providers that have more experience in CoolSculpting. We are a certified CoolSculpting practice and have performed over 1,000 CoolSculpting treatments.

Call us today at 703-439-1104 to book a consultation!